Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Best of Anime 2013 Day 2 (Sept. 15, 2013)

Our 2nd time to attend Best of Anime at SMX Mall of Asia.  As usual, every time we attend a convention it always rain.  

SMX is a nice venue to held conventions because there's a lot of space to roam around, although it's crowded outside at least you can easily check out the booth without being squished by the crowd. Sadly, it's not that convenient for us to go home from here. Bad news is, we got caught by a heavy rain this time while carrying our goodies. 

But despite the rain, we enjoyed our stay in Best of Anime. We watch the performance of Starmarie. Really cute idol group. It was hard to squeeze through the crowd up front to take their picture so we took a short video of their performance but we didn't get a good view.

Joe Inoue also came but sadly we didn't get the chance to meet him.  Hope we'll get a chance to meet him next time.

The awesome Thailand cosplayers JiakiDarkness and YukiGodbless were also there for their Meet & Greet.  Their kind and approachable because fans were lucky enough to get in line to say what they like about them and have their picture taken.

Funny how all the cosplayers are already recruited as Survey Corps from Attack on Titan. I really want one Survey Corps jacket.  

Until next time BoA! 

Game Up: Know-How in Game Dev by GDAP

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