Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Review: RG 1/144 - Strike Freedom Gundam (Wing Effects)

Behold the Strike Freedom Gundam Burst Mode in its glory. I'm so lucky to have the model kit and the effect parts as a set. It took me a while to finish the whole kit with all the decals and panel lines. On top of that I added some gold markers for extra detail. First, let's have a look at its feature. I like the fact that the inner frame is color gold. Similar to the RG Freedom Gundam, the cockpit on the chest can be slide open. The model comes with 3 pairs of replaceable hands. One pair of closed fists, another pair for gripping and the last pair of hands has movable fingers.

The armament comes with beam sabers, shield, rifles and cannon. You'll find the beam shield quite unique since the edges are jagged and it's my first time seeing effect decals applied on a clear beam shield. You can connect the two beam rifles together to make a much longer beam rifle. The two beam sabers can also be attached to make a double edged beam saber. Of course there's also the beam cannons on the waist in which you can store the saber handles on them. They are foldable and can be moved from the side of the hips to the back.

Articulation is much better compare to previous RG models. Everything fits alright and so far no loose parts are falling off. There is just some slight weight issue on the arms when holding the beam rifles and on the wings as well. Just looking at the wings, you can expect the model to have trouble standing on it's own. So an action base is a must for you to be able to pose the Strike Freedom properly.

Let's move on to the best feature, the lightning effect parts. The set comes with 4 wing effects, 16 clear plastic rods and a special action base specifically made for this model. You'll just need to put the wing effects and arrange the rods with the dragoons to make the full burst mode. It really looks awesome with all the dragoons scattered.

Overall, I consider this RG scale as the best Strike Freedom Gundam model ever. It may not be as big as the MG or PG, but its details and features are its asset. So far no other model can compare to this. That's why the RG 1/44 Strike Freedom Gundam deserves a perfect score for being awesome.

Rating: 5 out of 5

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